Saturday 2 August 2014

Revaluation Rules of Mumbai University - BSc IT

In this article we are going talk about revaluation rules of mumbai university in general. The intended audience are Mumbai University's BSc IT students but this rules are applicable in almost every branch of mumbai university.

What is revaluation process ?

When you fail in any subject of any semester or not satisfied with obtained marks in exam then you can apply for revaluation of your mark sheet. In revaluation your paper is rechecked (Reassessed) and marks are recounted. If you want more transparent way to deal with situation then you can also obtain photocopy of your answer book but make sure you understand rules beforehand. Now don't confuse revaluation and photocopy, these are two different cases. If you are applying for revaluation then you will not receive photocopy of your answer paper but you can apply for both at same time by filling two different application forms. Also it is not mandatory to apply for photocopy in order to done revaluation and other way around.

Revaluation rules for students (Applicants) :

  1. You can apply for revaluation of theory subjects only. Revaluation of internal assessment such as practicals, project work is not permitted.

  2. Revaluation is facilitated only for university examination and colleges will not be bound to provide revaluation facility for college examinations.

  3. If you have chosen distance education program to complete graduation then revaluation facility will not be provided from university.

  4. Minimum marks required for revaluation : You can only apply for reval if you have secured at least 20% of the total marks. Suppose it is 100 marks theory paper then you must secure marks grater than or equal to 20 in that subject to become eligible for revaluation.

  5. Revaluation for passed candidates : If you have passed given subject but obtained marks are not up to your expectation then you can apply for reeval.

    1. How to apply for revaluation

    2. Take revaluation application form from your college's examination department. If you could not get it from college then you can get it from IDOL office.

    3. Fees : Application form for revaluation will cost you Rs 500. From this fee Rs 450 will be actual fee and Rs 50 will be administrative expense for college. Reserved candidates will get 50% discount given that they have attached caste certificate along with application.

    4. You can pay fees by cash or by demand draft. For demand draft you have to draw it in the favor of college's principle. However it is advised to enquirer details in examination office before drawing demand draft.

    5. Application Deadline : You can only apply for revaluation within 7 days from result declaration.

    6. Please make sure you have correctly filled every required field in form and attached required document before submitting application because if any error is found in form during application processing then application will be rejected without informing reasons of rejection and you will not get second chance to apply.

  6. It is expected from university to declare revaluation result within 45 working days from date of received application.

  7. When Marks are Changed : If after revaluation your marks increased or decreased by 10% (Excluding grace if any) only then your marks will be subject to change otherwise your previous marks will be treated as final marks. Off course you can apply for reexamination if you did not get desired results.
    Example : In 100 marks paper you scored 20 marks and out of them 4 Marks are grace marks so you actually scored 16 marks then 10% of 16 marks will be 1.6. Now according to university rules fractions will be discarded and hence to get reevaluated result your change in marks after revaluation should be by 1 mark. (either +1 or -1)

  8. If you passed after revaluation then your result will be accepted as passed and appropriate class will be awarded. So if you pass in revaluation you will get class based on your new total marks.

  9. University will not facilitate photocopy of reevaluated answer sheet neither the revaluation of already reevaluated answer book will be done.

Rules to be abode by colleges

  1. College should provide application forms immediately after result declaration.

  2. College should charge Rs 500 for form and from that college will get Rs 50 per form as administrative compensation.

  3. After receiving application forms college should submit them within 14 working days from results declaration to university.

  4. Principal of college will be responsible for appointing teachers for revaluation if asserted by university's examination authority.

These are the rules as prescribed by university. If you want to be more comprehensive and want to understand nook and cranny of revaluation process then I suggest you to go through these rules (Part 2) as stated by university in which you can get answers to questions like :

  • What about further admission if I apply for revaluation ? To avoid ATKT and passing dilemma first make sure you understand passing rules.
  • What procedure is followed while granting reevaluated marks by examiners ?
  • What action is taken if original paper examiner found reckless ?
  • How examiners for revaluation are appointed and what are the rules which I should know if I were appointed as examiner (For Teachers and Examiners) ?


  1. Is it 10% of total.paper as in 100 marks
    Or the 10% of marks obtained
    Please clear this
    Coz rule says 10% of total I.e 100
    For eg if a person scored 0 in some paper then 10 % of 0 will be 0 again
    So how is it applicable.!!

    1. No it is 10% of assigned marks (Obtained marks)

      Rule states :
      If the marks assigned to a paper as a result of revaluation, increase or decrease in revaluation by ten percent (10 %) or more than the marks originally obtained by the candidate in the paper without any grace, and in such cases the marks originally obtained by the candidate in the paper shall be treated as null and void and the marks obtained by the candidate after revaluation shall be accepted as the marks obtained in that paper.

    2. "For eg if a person scored 0 in some paper then 10 % of 0 will be 0 again
      So how is it applicable.!! "

      Minimum marks required for revaluation : You can only apply for reval if you have secured at least 20% of the total marks.

      Suppose it is 100 marks theory paper then you must secure marks grater than or equal to 20 in that subject to become eligible for revaluation.

  2. If i pass in reval then will i get refund of exam fees which i have paid for the kt exam??

    1. I don't know but most probably they would not refund it.

  3. Suppose I have 2kts and i apply for reval for both of rhem and i got cleared in one subject and i failed in another, so should i have to give kt exam for both the exam or for only the exam i failed in??

    1. You will only have to appear for subject which you could not clear in reval.

  4. my exam is in 4 days and still revaluation list is not out so wat shld i do shld i apperar for my kt exam?

    1. Wait till last day and if they do not declare result then appear for exam. Meanwhile keep studying.
      This is very annoying but this is how examination department in mumbai university works.

  5. Hii harish I am an Bms Student...6 semester my Or paper was bad and passing Marks is 30 out of 75 marks... N suppose if I get 24 marks...will they grant me 6 Grace Marks ...if I passed in all subjects...plz answer me asap very tensed bcz of it.. :(

    1. Hi Harikesh here

      AFAIK for mentioned paper they can grant you 3 grace marks. However there is rule about grace on total marks but i am not fully aware of it.

      I suggest you go through this document for more details and don't forget to share your learning on this comment board.

      All the best !!!

  6. i m tybcom student i applied for revaluation and photocopy both ... i got my photocopy which has a totaling mistake marks are 42 but i got my result with 18 marks in cost accounting ....revaluation result are not yet declared but m passed i have too give atkt exam ....what if i fail in atkt exam .....which result will be consider atkt or revaluation

    1. They should declare you pass and your reexamination result shall be treated null.
      But i am not sure about it; So please contact MU examination department at your earliest.

  7. I've got 15 marks out of 75 in project management. I'm goin to give in reval. My other subjects marks are above 35. Will they pass me in reval?

    1. It depend on what you have written in paper.
      Other subject marks wont affect reval process.

  8. i am tybscit student i have one kt in sem 5 i applied for reval and i get 30 marks,therefore i m passed,so how i get my new marksheet

    1. Contact your college examination department and/or university examination department.

  9. when tybsc sem 6 revaluation result will going to be declare

    1. Mumbai University is not known for it's punctuality. So there won't be any fix date.
      So keep checking this link.

  10. I got 43 marks out of 75 in a paper
    I gave for revaluation coz I expected more
    They reduced my 5 marks
    When I checked the revaluation result online
    It was 38
    My question is will my result change coz if this

  11. Yes, your result will change.

  12. I have applied for KT exam form but in form in didn't mention that I have applied for revaluation ,will it cause difficuts for me as in recent form some tick mark should be put in the form but I didn't understand the same ,please help me out

    1. To quote above post
      "Please make sure you have correctly filled every required field in form and attached required document before submitting application because if any error is found in form during application processing then application will be rejected without informing reasons of rejection and you will not get second chance to apply. "

      As they have lot of administrative work to get done they may reject it straightaway.
      To be on safer side write amendment application to MU examination department and cc it to your college examination department.

  13. I had applied for revaluation as I scored 21 in while I was confident abt passing d ppr in first attempt.. bt I failed.. so I relied on evn after revaluation my result is still showing same.. wat can be done in dis case.. ??.. can it be an error ??

    1. I think you don't have other option than reappearing for exam.
      You could have applied for photocopy of answer paper as well.
      Next time if applying for reval, apply for photocopy too.

  14. hey ive got 19 marks in project management..(30 is the passing) ... so if i send it for revaluation and if i get upto 24 (i have doubt they will give +5 for 24) will they give 30 marks ..coz my frnd said 6 marks are grace which they can give us

    1. To quote from above post.

      "Minimum marks required for revaluation : You can only apply for reval if you have secured at least 20% of the total marks. Suppose it is 100 marks theory paper then you must secure marks grater than or equal to 20 in that subject to become eligible for revaluation. "
